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Why I love working at Box Legal

Life has changed so much over the years and people have, of course, had to adapt; although I haven’t worked at Box Legal for 20 years, the time I have been at Box Legal has been lovely. For the past 4 years we have moved away from being office based to solely remote working, whilst some may have found it a bit daunting because let’s face it, “taking your work home” doesn’t sound ideal, personally it has been wonderful for me. Our directors ensured we all had the equipment we needed from computers, comfortable chairs, headphones and printers and if the team need any extra equipment, it’s a quick request and an amazon delivery away.

The ability to work from home has drastically increased my work/life balance for the simple fact the I do not have to commute during rush hour (or in the snow) and not really get to enjoy my evenings… I’m already home! The biggest change in terms of my actual working day initially, was not being able to physically turn around to colleagues with a question, walk across the office to share ideas or stopping in the kitchen for a quick update on how their weekend was but then I remember… everyone is simply at the end of the phone. Our directors ensure we keep up moral and social interaction not only by phone but we have monthly in-person staff meetings and our wonderful Christmas party with great food.

Luckily the team are very supportive and the directors are very accommodating to individual staff needs, such as working hours, which is really helpful especially if you need to slightly adjust if you have children.

Happy 20th Anniversary Box Legal family xxx

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