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Running for the head as well as the heart

I am sat here waiting to hear if I have been offered a place in the TCS London Marathon 2025. I ran London in 2022 and I loved it. Having always been a 10k runner, and, many years before that, a sprinter, the increase in mileage (and not being able to see the finish line when the gun went) was tough. But I loved it. Maybe not the 18 milers in the rain, but 10 miles in the sun and the actual day. The buzz and support of the crowds that watch is immense.

 I once read that running the London marathon is as close as you’ll ever get to knowing how it feels to be a rock star. People shouting your name as you run past. And the finish line – in fact the feeling at the end of any run– if you could bottle it, you’d be a billionaire, I’m sure.

 I raised money for Samaritans in 2022- such a wonderful cause with a personal association. Next year however, I want to do it for me, for my own head space and self-belief.  I’ll see what the ballot says and whether I’m one of the chosen…..

Running helps me in my day-to-day life. I work remotely and I travel a lot. If I’m not in the Northwest, I’m in Tbilisi, Georgia. It’s a beautiful place with many great places to run, and I love the leveller running creates. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, where you are in the world, everyone experiences the same feelings when they run…. The disbelief that you’re doing it. The nagging voice telling you to stop and walk, the first ten minutes of ‘just go home and make a brew’… and then – you push.  The head space a good run can provide is enormous. I can leave home feeling as though I have a world of worries on my shoulders and return having solved the nation’s inflation crisis – well not quite but you get what I mean.

I’ve been injured over the last 4 weeks – my knee isn’t great and apparently; I don’t stretch enough. It’s getting better but not being able to get out and run is hard.  And here comes my link. Box Legal recently lost our fabulous marketing coordinator as she moved onwards and upwards.  I have no doubt we will find an excellent replacement – and as I write this, I am sure we have…. But losing someone wonderful in a strong team debilitates you. It can stop you reaching the potential you are looking to reach. It can stop you providing the service you want to provide. Or it can push you to review. And change is progressive. We are always looking to move forward at Box Legal. We are innovative with our policies and our premiums; and always looking for ways to help our clients and their clients get the best possible experience when working with us. Our core values won’t ever change, but the delivery of those values and their substance is something we are always evaluating.

So anyway, back to the knee and the marathon – no news still…and yes, I need to stretch more.   

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